Friday, April 3, 2009

Internship this Summer

I accepted an internship this summer Dow Chemical. I will be going to Freeport Texas. Freeport is approximately 1 hr outside of Houston.
I am really excited to work for Dow. They are one or THE largest chemical company in the world. I have always wanted to work for them, well ever since I started ChemE. It is like a dream come true!!

So here is a picture of the beautiful chemical plant I will be working at this summer.

Well at the plant in Freeport there are many different positions. I am so excited for the job I will be doing this summer. I will be working in TS&D, technical sales and development. i will be working with plastic films and oxygen barriers. i will work with the developing a better process for making the films and do research and testing on the plastic films. I will also be evaluating the economics and marketing aspects of my project! This job is also perfect for me, I get to be in a nice clean office and doing jobs I love.

So I'm so excited I get to work at the perfect job at the perfect company and with perfect company!! (DAN) I will not be alone this time! WHOO!.

This is a picture of Freeport. I hope to convince Dan that Texas, specifically Houston is a great place to live!!


Janie said...

I am so excited for you guys, you're going to have so much fun! And I'll try not to rub it in when we're in Seattle enjoying perfect weather. :)

amanda said...

WHOOO!!! I am so excited for you. You are going to have a blast as well as get some excellent experience. I have the smartest friend on the planet!!!!