Saturday, June 7, 2008

Living in Houston

So moving to houston on my own was very difficult. But I survived. I did not realize how different and hard it would be to move away from the student life. So I headed to Houston after visiting with Dan's family. I headed to Dallas to be there for my friend Kenny Kyle's wedding. I stayed with his family which are practically my second family. They then drove me to Houston where Heather Kyle lives in North Houston. Heather gave me a bike and drove me to my apt. So when I got to my apt there was no electricity or a/c. Oh man! My phone had also died and I was all alone. So needless to say I didn't have much, no car, no phone, no internet, and no electricity. I did however have furniture thanks to my very nice landlord. So i lived without electricity for 3 days. It was very long. My parents mailed me kala's phone and I went grocery shopping on my bike.

But all the hardship is mostly over. Now im pretty much lonely. I have a phone, internet, electricity and a/c which hardly works and a bike. still no car. So I bike everywhere, except work is 10 miles away so I have always seemed to be able to find a ride to work! i love my coworkers.
Weather in Houston is crazy hot and very humide. During the summer most people go from their a/c house to a/c car to a/c work. Me on the other hand, I ride a bike and sweat to death and then I go home and sweat some more. My a/c does not like me and does not like to work. Fortunately, work is very cold! Before I came here I thought i would be outside and tan after work. No way! It never cools down and so I pretty much stay inside until 7pm when the sun isnt so hot. In my loneliness I have been able to read many books. It is very enjoyable to be able to read books outside of school work!!

1 comment:

amanda said...

yeah!!! I love it!!! I hope everything is going great in houston!