Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dan's Birthday

Dan turned 25 on June 18th. I'm just getting around to posting what we did. For his birthday present I bought him a ticket to Salt Lake City so he could see Jon Buck's wedding. Dan and Jon are best friends and they lived together in Roman Gardens. Jon was in our wedding party and now Dan was in Jon's wedding party. Jon and Annie were married June 20th in the Timpanogos temple. Dan flew out on thursday (his birthday) in order to be there for the festivities on Friday.

Since Dan left on his birthday we celebrated a day earlier. I planned a really nice dinner and to have cake with an old roommate (BYU-Idaho)of his that lives in lake jackson (Adam). But Dan decided to play tennis with some co-worker so the dinner was set back to have after dessert. I surprised him with a tasty ice cream cake celebrated with friends. Adam's little girls drew Dan beautiful pictures for his birthday and we enjoy the ice cream cake together. Afterward, we came home and I made Dan a stake dinner with shrimp, twice baked potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce. We were both very full, probably from having too much cake before hand. I also bought him a aero polo, and he received cards from his parents and my parents.
It was a wonderful evening!! I love Dan so much, he is a wonderful husband and he always makes me laugh and brightens my day.

The next day I drove Dan to the airport and he spent the weekend at his grandma's and went to Jon's wedding. His family was having a family reunion the following week and started congregating at his grandma's house on sunday. So Dan was able to see his dad on Father's day as well as his sisters Tiffany and Heather. He hasn't seen Heather for a year and a half now that she lives in Australia, so it was good timing! But it is unfortunate, we are the only members of his family on his dad's side that aren't going to the family reunion. We both couldn't get a whole week off work.

1 comment:

Janie said...

That cake looks AMAZING! Good work, Len!