Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mum's Birthday

Yesterday was my mum's birthday! unfortunately I was not there to show my love or bake her a cake. Actually my mum went to dinner with the missionaries and the bishop (dad) to this elderly ladies house. And then my brother and dad spent the rest of the evening watching the hockey game. So no special evening for my mum. Mum I'll make it up to you when you come to Lake Jackson!

I just want to thank my mum for all she has done. She has supported me in all my schooling, traveling experiences and all the sports games I ever had. My favourite thing to do is talk on the phone with my mum. She always makes my day much better! We can talk about everything. Thanks mum for all you've done! Have a great birthday!



Hey! I had no idea you guys went to Ghana! Wow!
We'll have to meet your husband one day. We've never met either yours or Kayla's husbands, what the heck.

Unknown said...

On Saturday I went to the Montreal Temple with Dad and Niall to do family file work and then visit family and on to my favourite restaurant. It was a great day.
love Mum