Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Summer flies by

So I cant believe it. I have 2 1/2 weeks left in Houston! Wow! its crazy how time flies. So since I havent been so great at updating my blog i'll recap some of the events of my summer here is Houston. Since I live in the middle of no where and live on my own I decided to stop feeling sorry for being so lonely and I went out with the sister missionaries. I taught with them a few times and it has been really great experience to teach the gospel with these amazing ladies!! the benefits asides from company and the spirit, is sometimes I get dinner appointments too!! I met a friend at church, he really likes music and had an extra ticket to lifehouse. So I went to the lifehouse concert and we were really close to the front. it was really fun! and lifehouse are really good live!!

I went to a YSA activity in May and met 2 really fun girls, although one lived an hour away from me, the other girl, Yesenia decided to hang out with me for the rest of the summer, she lives 15 min away. Since then I have spent pretty much every weekend with Yesenia and her friends and family. Its been so nice to have friends and people to be with on the weekends. We have gone swimming, gone to YSA activities, a baby shower. And we definitely went shopping and out to some great restaurants in the area.
I spent 4th of July with Yesenia and her family. We had an amazing fajita lunch her family made. We then went to Kingwood and had a block party with her sisters neighbors, they even had the fire truck come and entertain the kids! Then we went back to Baytown to enjoy the fireworks. It was a great 4th of July!! Great food! Great friends! and Great fireworks!! my favorite!

1 comment:

amanda said...

I am so excited to see you again!!! I hope you had a great time in Texas...sounds like a great time and experience!!!!